Make Every Event Unforgettable: How to

How to Capture Glowing Google Reviews

Being an event manager is not an easy job. It’s more than just pleasing a few people by bringing all the best things at one place, while also having them create the best of symphonies together. And we are with you on this one.

Organizing the most memorable wedding, the finest corporate party, and even the most fun birthday party demands that every detail is catered to.

There are flowers, musical playlists, seating arrangement, guest list, food- every piece plays a role in creating an unforgettable moment in time.

Let’s say that you managed to pull that off. Bravo! Now what? Other than your promised payment, is there any other part that needs the same kind of attention?

It’s bringing in the next big customer. The man willing to give you more than a few lifetime checks to make their next event the talk of the town.

Well, how do you manage to bring in such customers? You only get to this part after they’ve read glowing reviews of your event management knowledge and service.

That’s why our team of review experts decided to write today’s text to answer questions like “how to get Google reviews fast”, “how to get positive Google reviews”, etc.

This blog is on how event managers and enterprises cover all there is to get the most celebrated reviews. We cover the finest points like how to create the best experience for your guests, the best times to ask for feedback, and how to make it personal and enjoyable for your customers.

Then there is a quick coverage about using technology to automate the review process, sharing the best reviews on social media, and the best ways to handle customer comments.

So, let’s get started.

3 Reasons Why Google Reviews Matter for an Event Management Company

The Trust Factor: Your Golden Ticket

Trust is your most precious asset when it comes to owning and managing an event planning business. When clients are scouting for someone to handle their big day, they’re not just looking for a good planner—they’re looking for an event planning superhero.

This is where how to get Google reviews fast might seem important to your online reputation management team. Positive Google reviews are like your personal fan club, singing your praises from the rooftops. They build your reputation and show potential clients that you’re the one to call.

How Reviews Influence Decisions: The Power Play

When a potential client is trying to choose between multiple event planners, Google reviews are their crystal ball. And it only makes sense, doesn’t it? You, too, would do the same if it came to spending your hard earned money over an experience of a lifetime.

Positive feedback can tip the scales in your favor. Imagine someone is deciding between you and a competitor. If your reviews are full of happy clients and stellar events, they’ll likely choose you. It’s akin to having a shiny trophy that says, “We’re the best in town!”

Think about it—if a couple sees that you’ve consistently nailed the details of their dream weddings or that your corporate events are a hit, they’re more likely to trust you with their own celebrations.

Customer Behavior: The Review Ripple Effect

Here’s the scoop: reviews aren’t just digital chatter—they’re game-changers. A survey by Podium reveals that a whopping 93% of people let online reviews guide their decisions. This number alone shows why event managers keep asking how to get positive Google reviews – along with reviews on other platforms, too.

If you have an online reputation that yells how you turned a client’s event into an unforgettable bash, others will notice. That’s for sure.

It’s like having a magnetic pull that draws in new clients and keeps the ones you have coming back for more.

How to Create an Unforgettable Event Experience for Your Customers: A Quick Guide

Planning Like a Pro: The Blueprint to Event Glory

Picture this: you’re hosting a grand soirée, and every detail is in place. That’s the magic of detailed planning. Start by understanding your client’s dream event. Are they envisioning a Gatsby-esque gala or a cozy backyard barbecue? Set clear timelines and coordinate with vendors as if you’re directing a blockbuster.

A well-planned event reduces hiccups and makes everything run smoother than a well-oiled machine. Think of it as setting the stage for a flawless performance—every cue and every prop needs to be spot-on.

Know Your VIPs: Tailoring the Event to Your Client’s Taste

Here is a quick question. Imagine you’re planning an event for a client who adores vintage cars, would you choose a sleek modern venue?

Of course not! But some event managers do make such mistakes. They think what’s good for one client, would be fine for others too.

That’s why it’s important that you start with the classic notepad method. Bring that out, and then ask all the right questions.

Write all that comes out of your client’s mouth. Their likes, dislikes, and any quirky requests they might have.

This personalized approach would not only help you create a memorable experience but also helps build strong relationships. And a client who feels understood is likely to rave about your services.

The Art of Smooth Sailing: Ensuring a Flawless Event

You and your team have put in so much effort. You did everything from choosing the prettiest flowers to the classic-looking cutlery- all this while painstakingly going through the changing tastes and moods of the host’s family.

Finally, the day of reckoning comes. The event day arrives, and everything needs to run like clockwork.

Even after doing everything to the greatest of standards, things could go south. That’s where good communication and quick problem-solving skills become crucial. Always be on a lookout of things that might snap and be open about it with your team. Let them also be the enabler at their own level.

Be fluid and let your team be the same, so that your symphony of management never breaks.

Getting the Scoop: Feedback and Improvement

You did it. Actually, your team did it. The hosts are happy that they chose you. Their guests are happier that they came. Your accountant is the happiest because they get to finally collect after months of leaking out money like a faucet.

While they do the money collection, you should be going around gathering feedback like a detective looking for evidence on a triple homicide. on a case. You can use surveys, chat with guests, and see what everyone has to say. This insight helps refine your services and shows clients you care about their opinions.

Ask them, “What did you think of the event?” and be ready to make changes based on their answers. Feedback isn’t just useful; it’s your roadmap to even better events in the future.

How to Ask for 5-Star Google Reviews from Your Clients & Keep Maintaining the Good Work

Timing Matters Most Before the Big, Bold Move

Ah, timing—the art of knowing when to strike while the iron is hot. No one shoe fits all kinds of things when it comes to asking for reviews. A few event managers like to ask for it during the payment process. Some managers prefer giving their clients some time to wind off. It’s a good thing, to let the host blow some steam. They have spent so much and for so long that they deserve it too.

But here is the thing. The good memories of any event, good or bad, don’t always stay fresh for long. The big ideas do stay, but the fine print, like, “Hey, that event manager guy went to such great lengths to incorporate our last-minute requests”, such thoughts don’t stay fresh for long.

So, when it comes to requesting reviews, the best, or golden-whatever you like to call it, is the moment right after the event. You should train your teammates to spot these peak moments, and they could be during a heartfelt thank-you or a joyous follow-up call.

Personal Touches: Crafting Requests with Flair

Generic review requests are about as thrilling as a soggy biscuit. Instead, add a touch of pizzazz to your message. Address clients by name and highlight something specific from their event.

For example, “Sarah, we’re thrilled you loved the floral arrangements at your wedding! Your review on Google would really help us spread the joy.” By mentioning such personal details, you transform a bland request into a heartfelt conversation. It’s like giving them a custom-made invitation to share their happiness.

Clear Instructions: Making the Process a Breeze

Leaving a review should be as effortless as sipping lemonade on a summer day. Provide clear, easy-to-follow instructions. Think of it like a well-marked treasure map leading them straight to the “X” where they can drop their review.

Include these instructions on your website, in thank-you emails, and even on physical thank-you cards. The easier you make it, the more likely clients will jot down their thoughts. It’s like setting up a smooth path for them to walk—no stumbling over obstacles.

QR Codes: The Digital Magic Wand

Let us introduce you to the humble QR code—a digital marvel that turns review requests into a piece of cake. You can place these nifty squares on your event materials, thank-you notes, or follow-up emails. It’s like handing clients a magic wand that whisks them straight to your review page.

Imagine this: your client scans a QR code on their thank-you note and—ta-da!—they’re instantly transported to the review page. You’re giving them a personal guide leading them there, making the process as simple as a few taps.

Sweetening the Deal: Discounts and Freebies

You know the allure of a little something extra! Offering discounts or freebies can add a touch of charm to your review requests. For instance, you might say, “Leave us a review and enjoy 10% off your next event!”

You should ensure that these incentives are genuine tokens of appreciation, not bribes. The idea is to make clients feel valued for their feedback, not like they’re being coaxed into writing a review. It’s like offering a cherry on top of a well-deserved sundae.

Review Contests: Adding a Dash of Excitement

Why not turn the review process into a bit of fun? You can run contests or promotions where clients who leave reviews are entered into a draw. For example, “Leave a review and enter to win a free event consultation!”

You’ll find that contests add an element of excitement, turning the review process into a game of chance. It’s like adding a twist to the plot that makes the whole thing more engaging. Everyone loves a chance to win something extra, so why not make it a part of the review process?

Always Love Your Rave Reviews: Good or Bad

So, your inbox is chock-full of glowing reviews, and your social media is buzzing with praise. What’s a savvy event planner to do? Well, you shouldn’t just bask in the glory like a cat in the sun. Instead, turn those compliments into your secret weapon.

You can start by thanking your clients in a way that feels as genuine as Grandma’s apple pie. For example, if someone raves about your stellar service, respond with something like, “We’re over the moon that you enjoyed the event, and we’re positively tickled pink by your kind words!”

Mention specifics, like, “We’re thrilled you loved the floral arrangements. They were as dazzling as a Fourth of July fireworks display!”

This technique not only strengthens your bond with the reviewer but also gives your future clients a peek into your professionalism..

Turning Negative Reviews into Gold Stars

Now, let’s talk about those pesky negative reviews. They’re as inevitable as rain on a wedding day, but don’t let them rain on your parade. Think of negative feedback as a golden opportunity in disguise.

When a review criticizes your service, respond promptly and professionally. Acknowledge the issue and offer a solution, just like you would with a stuck zipper on a bridesmaid’s dress. For instance, “We’re sorry to hear that the timing of the event didn’t go as planned. We’re working hard to ensure our future events run smoother than a ballroom dancer’s twirl!”

Use the criticism to make real improvements. Maybe the review mentioned a delay in service—take this as a cue to streamline your processes. Communicate the changes you’re making, so clients know you’re taking their feedback seriously.

Send out a newsletter or update your website with, “Thanks to feedback from our amazing clients, we’ve revamped our scheduling process for a smoother experience!”

Keeping Clients in the Loop: Show that You Do Care

Finally, it’s time to keep your clients informed about how you’ve acted on their feedback. How about you start by using newsletters, social media, or direct communication to share the changes you’ve made?

We are doing this loop thing because a simple update can go a long way. For instance, “We’ve introduced a new client portal to make event planning easier. Thanks to your suggestions, we’re always improving!”

By handling both praise and criticism with grace and action, you not only enhance your services but also build stronger relationships with your clients. So, put on your best smile, tackle reviews like a pro, and keep your event planning business shining bright!

Turning the Review Tap: Technology’s Role in Getting and Boasting About Your Positive Google Reviews

Using Prosperly to Automate Your Review Collection

Prosperly, our online review management and automation tool, helps you take care of the whole review process right from sending out review requests to tracking feedback.

So let’s start with review automation. You can’t keep on going through the same process again and again with the same sincerity, right? Because then who is going to run the business for you?

Prosperly sends out reminders with the precision of a Swiss watch, ensuring your clients are nudged at just the right time.

This steady stream of reviews helps keep your feedback fresh and relevant. Imagine having a diligent assistant who ensures that every event gets its due share of reviews, without you having to lift a finger.

Then comes the second-best part – integration of Prosperly with your event management system. This integration means your system captures client details automatically.

So, once you’re done enticing your clients and their guests with amazing hosting and managing skills, Prosperly is ready to send out personalized review requests, ensuring your reviews come pouring in right after the event is still fresh in everyone’s minds.

Shining the Spotlight on Positive Reviews: Social Media Magic

Can anyone, today, underestimate the power of social media? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. They are not just simple tools to run ads and post updates every now and then. You should really get into the game. You should start by using social media as your stage for showcasing client love.

Share those glowing reviews on your business’s social media profiles like a proud parent at a school play. Highlighting these testimonials not only builds your credibility but also creates a buzz around your business.

For instance, imagine a review that praises your impeccable event planning skills. Share it with a sparkling graphic and a cheerful caption like, “Another event nailed to perfection! Thanks to Jane Doe for this wonderful review. We loved making your wedding day shine!”

Encourage your happy clients to spread the word too. Post-event, a friendly shout-out on social media asking clients to share their experiences can turn your review collection into a community effort.

It’s a bit like rallying the town to celebrate a local hero—except your hero is your top-notch service and your town is the internet.

The Art of the Follow-Up Email: A Gentle Nudge with Charm

Email campaigns are another powerful tool in your review-gathering arsenal. After an event, send out follow-up emails that thank your clients for their trust and invite them to leave a review. Think of these emails as the polite reminder that the butler would give to ensure you didn’t forget your manners.

So always ask your team to put in some time, and good words, in crafting these emails with a personal touch. Make your customers feel like you are asking for a one-on-one review.

Address your clients by name and mention something specific about their event. For example, “Hi Sarah! We’re still buzzing from your fabulous wedding last weekend. If you could spare a moment, we’d be thrilled if you could share your thoughts on Google. Your feedback helps us keep the magic alive!”

You should make it a point that these emails should be engaging and clear. Provide simple instructions on how to leave a review and include a direct link to your review page. This makes the process as easy as pie—no need for your clients to wrestle with complicated instructions or endless forms.


Positive Google reviews are a powerful tool for boosting your event planning business’s reputation. By focusing on creating an unforgettable event experience, encouraging clients to leave reviews, and leveraging technology, you can build a strong online presence that attracts new clients and retains loyal ones.

Prosperly’s solutions can streamline the review management process, making it easier for you to collect and respond to feedback. Implement these strategies and watch your business rack up the 5-star reviews that drive growth and success.

Explore Prosperly’s solutions and start boosting your event planning business’s Google reviews today. Discover how our tools can help you create memorable event experiences that leave clients eager to share their positive feedback. Elevate your business’s reputation and achieve new heights of success with Prosperly.

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