How to Turn Your Legal Wins

First off, it feels great to have an attorney or lawyer who fights and defends the rights, honor (or, of course, taxes) of those who can’t do those things by themselves on our blog.

Of all the professionals that Prosperly wants to increase online reviews for, practitioners of law always come first for us. And, why not? It’s part of our value system, too. We strive to get more Google reviews for businesses and professionals who are good at what they produce or offer, but they are still not there with their marketing.

Having said that and knowing how little time in the midst of looking for legal precedents, subpoenaing witnesses, filing for motions, etc., we will get straight to the point and tell you what you can expect with this article.

In this article, team Prosperly has brought a comprehensive set of guidelines to help lawyers and attorneys, like you, that you can follow to help your law practice get more Google reviews.

Why increase online reviews on Google? Because among all the sources that anyone can refer or contribute to, Google is by far the easiest to access and contribute to. That’s why it is often the place where your potential customers are likely to land whenever they are trying to make a decision whether they hire you or not.

So, order in the court, and let’s get on the positive review boat. (Ok, maybe that was not that good. But no need to sue us in the court of law in favor of the public (humor and) interest 😁).

Why Google Reviews Matter for Legal Practitioners

Positive Reviews Build Trust Like Similar to Your Excellent Win-to-Lose Ration

Your potential clients don’t know you. They don’t know how good you were at college, and many classes you flunked or aced. Still, they are likely to go ahead and put up their hard-earned money and live in your hands.

That’s why in the legal profession, trust and credibility are crucial. Your clients need assurance that their cases are in capable hands.

Positive Google reviews do just that. They lend credibility to your legal record, expertise and online reputation. They help your potential clients know how fierce you were when defending your last case. Or, how gentle and supportive you were to your previous client when everyone else turned their back on them during their trial.

Influence on Potential Clients’ Decisions At the Most Crucial Time

When potential clients search for legal services, they often rely on Google reviews to make informed decisions. Why? As we read in the intro itself, Google makes it super-easy for anyone and everyone to read or leave reviews. More importantly, with so many checks now in place that stop spammers and bullies from putting up fake reviews, the trust in Google reviews has only gone up.

So, when a potential client sits on their computer to look for legal remedies, they start with their query, and hop from one blog/article to the other. And once they come across your name, they are likely to check for your legal reputation online.

This is where a robust collection of positive reviews signals that your firm is reliable, professional, and committed to delivering outstanding legal services.

Impact on Client Acquisition and Retention

Positive reviews not only attract new clients but also contribute to client retention. That’s why firms with higher ratings see increased client acquisition and retention rates. Now, why is that? See, here is the thing.

Once you get a case, it’s not very likely to conclude in a matter of days, will it? The thing is sure to drag on for weeks, months, and maybe even years if the puddle is too deep down.

With such a stretched timeline, your clients might get a bit jittery. So, back to looking up your reputation, your cases from the past, talking to them about dropping you as their legal consultant or attorney and hiring someone else.

But, then they see a review that fits their current condition perfectly well. This is where they see that another of your clients from the past was done with their case dragging on for so long but you pulled them out of the limbo with the stroke of your genius.

This is where the retention is likely to happen as your client reinvests their goodwill back into you.

Now that we have established what makes positive Google reviews important for you, it’s time to understand what little changes you can make to your practice so that you start getting those glowing stars of appreciation in no time

Starting When the Client Enters Your Office: How to Create an Exceptional Experience

Making a Strong First Impression for a Man-in-Black

You know the law. You know how to talk to “the Lord” — the judge. Your knowledge and legal acumen are the difference between 6 feet over or under the ground. You are the one who performs when everyone else has lost their faith. All of this should reek of the confidence that you have built over the years.

So, it’s time to show all those fine traits to your clients the minute they enter your office or your chamber. The initial consultation is your chance to make a lasting impression. Greet them with a big and confident smile. Have a firm, yet comforting and warm, grip during the handshake.

Ensure that your office environment is welcoming, and your staff is professional and courteous. During the consultation, make it a point that you listen actively to your clients’ concerns and provide clear, concise information about how you can help them.

Ensuring High-Quality Legal Advice & Assurance

Once you have made your client comfortable, it’s time for them to feel that they have done the right thing by visiting your office.

So, onto the backbone of your practice: high-quality legal advice and assurance. This isn’t just about knowing the law; it’s about living and breathing it, and letting your clients know that you are bloody damn good at your job.

You can start by letting them tell their part, listening to them with all the patience and interest. Once you are done, you can chart out the entire plan while also providing the legal references.

Keeping Clients Informed Throughout the Process

Once you and the team are done with the first round of consultation, let your client know how you are planning to keep them updated with the legal proceedings and other updates of their case.

This is important and you know fully well why. It might be the first time that they all tangled up in a legal hassle. Court proceedings, dates, documents, etc., can take their toll on your client’s mental health.

Keeping them updated about their case might ensure that doesn’t happen.

Gathering Feedback from Clients

After the dust settles and the case is closed, don’t just wave goodbye and move on. Ask your client for feedback. Pay attention that we are not saying “Review” but feedback. This isn’t just about getting the good word out. Your client’s feedback can help you determine how you could have done better and improve your services for future clients.

For example, you might discover that clients love the way you explain things but wish they had more regular updates. Use this feedback to enhance your practice and show that you’re always striving to be the best.

Addressing Any Concerns Promptly

Lastly, let’s talk about dealing with concerns that pop up after the feedback. If a client has an issue, don’t sweep it under the rug. Address it quickly and professionally. Turning a potential negative into a positive shows that you’re committed to their satisfaction. It also helps build long-term relationships.

After all, a happy client is a loyal client. If they know they can count on you to fix problems swiftly and effectively, they’re more likely to return for future legal needs and refer others to you. And that’s how retention happens. What you do to show your clients that they and their opinions matter is what brings back the client year after year.

The Next Step After A Legal Win: Encouraging Your Clients to Leave Positive Google Reviews

Identifying the Right Moment to Ask for a Review

Alright! It’s time to get real about the timing. When you ask your client for a good, positive Google review is like picking the perfect moment to propose – you want to catch them when they’re on cloud nine.

Some ORM experts say that the best time to request a review is right after you’ve scored a big win for your client or when they’re showering you with praise for getting them out of the legal puddle.

Nailing the timing doesn’t come naturally and isn’t an easy thing to nail either. So you might have to train your staff to recognize these golden moments. Imagine this: a client is practically doing a happy dance in your office after a favorable verdict. That’s your cue!

Personalizing the Request to Encourage Positive Feedback

When you have established such a nice relationship with your client and have now come to know them so closely than most people ever would, why would you use generic requests?

Generic review requests are like those dull, template emails we all love to ignore. Instead, always personalize your request. Address your client by their name and mention specific aspects of their case or your service.

This shows you’re not just another lawyer; you’re their lawyer who knows and cares about their unique situation.

Providing Easy-to-Follow Instructions

If you have a bunch of clients, you can’t possibly take them through the process of how to leave you a Google review, can you? Instead, what you can do is put a process in place that makes it really easy for them to leave.

We live in a digital age, so QR codes are your best friend when it comes to convenience. Place these handy codes on thank-you notes, business cards, or follow-up emails. A quick scan, and they’re right at your review page.

Digital prompts work wonders too. Automated thank-you emails with a direct link to your Google Review page can nudge your clients to share their positive experiences.

Offering Discounts on Future Services

This might sound a bit fishy or illegal, but it actually isn’t. You are into law, you know that. Because who doesn’t love a good deal? Offering discounts on future legal services to your clients, to their family members, or to their references as a thank-you for leaving a review can be a fantastic motivator. Make sure it comes across as a genuine gesture of appreciation rather than a bribe.

This is one such template that you can use as a message asking your client for a review: “Thank you for taking the time to leave a review! As a token of our gratitude, we’d like to offer you a 10% discount on your next service with us.”

How to Use Technology to Boost Your Positive Google Reviews

Using Review Management Tools

Nothing gets done right these days without some good tech, does it? Review management platforms, like Prosperly, are like your digital assistant who’s always on the job, never needs a coffee break, and is super efficient at getting you those reviews. All of this and that too for a way less price than an actual assistant.

Prosperly is your go-to tool for automating review requests, monitoring feedback, and allowing you to respond to reviews as swiftly as a superhero on caffeine.

Let’s start with review request automation. Automated review requests mean you’re constantly reminding clients to leave feedback, but without being that annoying friend who won’t stop texting.

Imagine this: a client leaves your office, thrilled with their case outcome. Before they even reach their car, they get a friendly nudge from Prosperly reminding them to share their joy on Google. It’s timely, it’s efficient, and it means you get a steady flow of fresh, happy reviews.

But wait, there’s more! You can also integrate Prosperly with whatever legal practice management system, and you’ve got a seamless flow of client data. This makes sending personalized review requests as easy as pie.

When their case wraps up, your system automatically sends a tailored message thanking them and asking for their feedback.

Promoting Positive Reviews on Social Media Platforms

You know what social media can do to a business these days. Even the titans are afraid of it now and that’s why we are seeing so many job openings for social media interns, executives, and managers. All of this is just to keep a check on what is being said about their businesses.

Imagine the reach your business gets when your positive reviews are shared on such platforms in such an environment. But sharing glowing reviews on your firm’s social media pages isn’t just about bragging rights – it’s about building credibility and community. Think of it as spreading good vibes online.

Post those five-star reviews on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – wherever your clients are hanging out. When people see real testimonials from real clients, it builds trust faster than a lawyer can object in court. Plus, it encourages others to share their experiences too. It’s a feel-good cycle that keeps on giving.

Don’t just limit these golden nuggets to social media. Plaster them all over your website, feature them in your newsletters, and include them in your brochures.

Sending Follow-Up Emails to Recent Clients

We have already seen how and when to send a review request to a client. But not every client is going to be so compliant and going to give you a review in just one request alone.

Email campaigns for follow-ups can be your goldmine for gathering reviews. After you’ve successfully closed a case, send a follow-up email to your client. Thank them for their trust and invite them to share their experience.

Here’s the trick: personalize it. Imagine receiving an email that says, “Hi Jane, we’re so happy we could help you with your case. Guess you missed our last email celebrating your success in court and thanking you for your patience during all this time. Your feedback would mean a lot to us and help others who are looking for legal support. Could you spare a moment to leave us a review on Google?” It’s friendly, it’s personal, and it feels genuine.

Make sure to include a direct link to your Google Review page to make the process as smooth as possible. The easier it is for them, the more likely they are to actually do it.


So to conclude this blog: why increase online reviews; especially the ones on Google? Positive Google reviews are a powerful tool for boosting your law firm’s reputation. By focusing on creating an exceptional client experience, encouraging clients to leave reviews, and leveraging technology, you can build a strong online presence that attracts new clients and retains loyal ones.

Prosperly’s solutions can streamline the review management process, making it easier for you to collect and respond to feedback. Implement these strategies and watch your firm rack up the 5-star reviews that drive business growth and success.

Explore Prosperly’s solutions and start boosting your law firm’s Google reviews today. Discover how our tools can help you create memorable client experiences that leave clients eager to share their positive feedback.

Elevate your firm’s reputation and achieve new heights of success with Prosperly.

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